Offlineimap, Gmail, and Mutt tutorial
Posted on 09 November 2014 in linux
A few years ago, I wrote a series of blog posts on offlineimap, mutt, and gmail (Link Here). Since then, I spent some time using the gmail web interface for email and then went back to mutt and used the built in imap. However, I've realized that neither of these are as good as using offlineimap and mutt together, which I am back to using. It is totally worth the 20 minutes or so to get offlineimap and mutt set up. This post will show my offlineimap and mutt configurations. I will assume you've already installed offlineimap and mutt.
First, lets get offlineimap set up. My use case will be pretty simple. I have
a single Gmail account to which I want to connect and I only want to grab the
INBOX folder. From this simple scenario, it should be easy to extend to
slightly more complicated scenarios. Let's pretend that my Gmail user name is
gmail_user and the password is gmail_password. Here's a simple configuration
file (/home/user/.offlineimaprc
), which we will explain line by line.
accounts = gmail_user
ui = ttyui
socktimeout = 30
[Account gmail_user]
localrepository = local-gmail_user
remoterepository = remote-gmail_user
[Repository local-gmail_user]
type = Maildir
localfolders = /home/user/mail/gmail_user
[Repository remote-gmail_user]
type = Gmail
remoteuser =
remotepass = gmail_password
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in ['INBOX']
In this section, we have to define the accounts, which is the internal to
offlineimap name of accounts that offlineimap should be syncing. As
described, I only have one. If you had more, comma separate them (accounts =
gmail_user1, gmail_user2
). I am naming it after my Gmail user name. The
next two lines are not necessary. ui
sets how fancy the output is when you
run offlineimap
in your terminal. socktimeout
is the number of seconds
after which offlineimap
should stop trying to connect if it cannot make a
[Account gmail_user]
Next, we need to name the mail repositories for each account. Again, I only
have one account so I only need one [Account ...]
section. All we need to do
here is name the local repository (on the computer) and the remote repository
(Gmail) that hold my mail. I've just named them local-
and remote-
followed by my gmail user name.
[Repository local-gmail_user]
Now, I specify how my local respository is set up. I need to tell it the type
) is pretty standard and where it's located in my filesystem
). I'm pretty sure the specified folder must exist before you
run offlineimap: mkdir -p /home/user/mail/gmail_user
[Repository remote-gmail_user]
Lastly, we specify the Gmail details. This should be pretty obvious.
is your Gmail password. folderfilter
is what folders to sync.
As I said, I only want the INBOX. If you also want, say your sent mail, you
might use
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in ['INBOX' '[Gmail]/Sent Mail']
Download your mail
At this point you should be able to download your mail. Just run
and it should start going. If you have lots of mail, this will
take a long time. You can refresh with offlineimap
manually whenever you
want. You might like to set up a cron job to do this in regular intervals.
Password tips
I have two step verification on for my google account. If you do, too, you
might want to set up an "App password" for offlineimap. To do this, log into
gmail, click your user in the top right corner. Click Account. Click
Security. Click App passwords: Settings. Then generate one for offlineimap.
Paste the generated code (without spaces) as your remotepass
in offlineimap.
If you like to keep your dotfiles on github or some other publicly available
place, you might not like having your password just written out. Some people
get fancy and integrate with keyrings and such. I just keep my password stored
in another file (which I don't index on github) and refer to that file in my
main configuration file. You can do that with offlineimap by utilizing its
python evaluation. I make a file called /home/user/.offlineimap/
and in it just a single line
gmailpassword = "gmail_app_password"
Now, go back to your /home/user/.offlineimaprc
and add this line to
pythonfile = /home/user/.offlineimap/
And change the remotepass
line to
remotepasseval = gmailpassword
The extra eval tells offlineimap to evaluate the value as a python expression.
Now onto configuring mutt. I'm just going to give the basics configuration.
First, I like to keep my configuration at /home/user/.mutt/muttrc
I also have
a /home/user/.mutt/colors.muttrc
and some other configuration files all in
that /home/user/.mutt/
Here's a basic muttrc configuration with comments. Note that I will be using mutt's built-in smtp for sending mail
## sending mail
set realname = "Michael Lerch"
set reverse_name = yes
set from = ""
set smtp_url = "smtp://"
# file that contains the password
source ~/.mutt/gmailpass.muttrc
## appearance
# this is the best sorting algorithm
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_aux = 'reverse-last-date-received'
## receiving mail
# needs to be consistent with offlineimap!
set mbox_type = Maildir
set folder = /home/user/mail/gmail_user
# folder in which to start mutt
set spoolfile = +/INBOX/
# cache for even faster
set header_cache = /home/user/mail/cache/
## writing mail
# I use vim
set editor = "vim +:silent+/^$ "
Once again, I have my password stored in a separate file that I source. That file contains a single line which is another App password for my google account:
set smtp_pass = "password"
This should get you started with offlineimap and mutt. Have you found any other tricks?